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voicesnounpl. of voice the right to express a wish, choice, or opinioneveryone will have a voice in the decision of where to go for our vacationp says, say-sos, votes parts, roles(also rôles), sharesballots, enfranchisements, franchises, suffragesbeliefs, convictions, judgments(or judgements), opinions, sentiments, views an act, process, or means of putting something into wordsa publisher who used his newspaper as a voice for his extreme conservatism articulations, expressions, formulations, phrasings, statements, utterances, verbalisms, wordings outlets, ventsobservations, reflections, remarks, thoughtsspeeches, tongues one who singsone of the great voices of her generation carolers(or carollers), singers, songsters, vocalists, vocalizers belterscrooners, harmonizers, hummers, warblers, yodelersserenaderscantors, chanters, choristerschansonnierschanteuses, songstressesbards, troubadours voicesverbpresent tense third-person singular of voiceto make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)voiced a suggestion about where to go airs, expounds, expresses, gives, looks, raises, sounds, states, ventilates, vents advertises, announces, declares, enounces, enunciates, proclaims, saysbroadcasts, circulates, disseminates, publishesdescribes, writes, writes upsounds off, speaks out, speaks upchimes incommunicates, conveys, puts across, puts overoffers, submits gives air to, puts forth stifles, suppresses censors, restrains, restricts |