例句 |
volcanicadjective marked by bursts of destructive force or intense activitya man with a volcanic temper that could go off at any moment bang-bang, blood-and-guts, convulsive, cyclonic, explosive, ferocious, fierce, furious, hammer-and-tongs, hot, knock-down, drag-out(or knock-down-and-drag-out), paroxysmal, rabid, rough, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous, turbulent, violent barbarous, brutal, savage, viciousantagonistic, hostileaggressive, assertive, bellicose, belligerent, combative, contentious, gladiatorial, pugnacious, quarrelsome, truculentcombustible, volatileagitated, frantic, frenzied, madcataclysmal(or cataclysmic), destructive, ruinous nonviolent, peaceable, peaceful calm, halcyon, pacific, serene, tranquilnonbelligerent, unaggressive in 1776 |