例句 |
outshinesverbpresent tense third-person singular of outshine to be greater, better, or stronger thanthe trumpeter outshines all of his fellow band members beats, betters, eclipses, exceeds, excels, outclasses, outdistances, outdoes, outguns, outmatches, outstrips, overtops, surpasses, tops, towers (over), transcends one-ups, outpaces, outraces, outruns, overpassesbests, clobbers, conquers, crushes, defeats, drubs, licks, masters, outcompetes, outperforms, overcomes, overmatches, prevails (over), routs, shames, skunks, subdues, surmounts, thrashes, trims, triumphs (over), trounces, wallops, whips, wins (against), worstsoutbalances, outweighs, overbears, overshadows, trumps goes one better, runs circles around(or runs rings around) loses (to) |