例句 |
ovationsnounpl. of ovation enthusiastic and usually public expression of approvalreceived a standing ovation for the masterly performance acclamations, applauses, cheers, plaudits, raves, réclames bravos(or bravoes), hails, hallelujahs, hosannas, hurrahs(also hoorays or hoorahs), huzzahs(or huzzas)acclaim, accolades, citations, commendations, compliments, encomiums(also encomia), eulogies, homages, kudos, paeans, panegyrics, salutations, tributeskudos, praises boos, hisses, hoots, jeers, raspberries, smirks, sneers, snickers, sniggers, snorts, whistlesgibes(or jibes), put-downs, taunts |