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overalladjective belonging or relating to the wholethe overall view seems to be that we're doing fine economically across-the-board, blanket, broad-brush, common, general, generic, global, universal all-embracing, broad, broad-gauge(or broad-gauged), broadscale, comprehensive, extensive, inclusionary, overarching, pervasive, sweeping, ubiquitous, wholesale, wide, widespreadaggregate, collective, complete, full, plenaryplanetary, worldwide individual, particular component, constituentcross-sectional, divisional, fragmentary, partiallocal, localized, regional, sectional relating to the main elements and not to specific detailsthere's an overall similarity in the looks of the models for that chain of clothing stores all-around(also all-round), bird's-eye, broad, general, nonspecific comprehensive, inclusiveabsolute, boundless, expansive, extensive, infinite, panoramic, sweeping, vast, wideindeterminate, nebulous, nondescript, vagueunlimited, unrestricted, unspecified close-up, delineated, detailed, molecular, particularized, specific limited, restricted, specifieddistinct, explicit, precise, sharpcomprehensive, elaborate, full, mapped (out), thoroughenumerated, inventoried, itemized, listedindividual, singularparticular, peculiar held by or applicable to a majority of the peoplethe overall mind-set among the people in our town seems to be that any increase in taxes is bad common, general, majority, popular, prevailing, public, received, ruling, vulgar unanimous, universalpopeveryday, familiar, household, usual, well-knowncontemporary, current, presentdominant, predominant, preponderantcharacteristic, typicalpandemic, pervasive, prevalent, rife, widespreadcommunal, shared uncommon, unpopular rare, strange, unknown, unusualdistinctive, especial, idiosyncratic, peculiar, special, uniqueindividual, separate, singularnonpublic, personal, private overalladverbwith everyone or everything taken into account at the same timereduce the budget overall by 15 percent all around, all told, altogether, collectedly, collectively, inclusively, together broadly, generally, liberally, loosely, macroscopicallyall over, completely, comprehensively, encyclopedically, entirely, exhaustively, fully, sweepingly, thoroughly, totally, wholly across the board, all in all, in the aggregate, on the whole detailedly, microscopically, minutelyliterally, narrowly, restrictedly, strictlyalone, categorically, distinctly, exclusively, fractionally, individually, separately, singly, singularly, solely, solitarily, specifically for the most partoverall, this is a good speech, but it could use a little humor altogether, basically, by and large, chiefly, generally, largely, mainly, mostly, predominantly, primarily, principally, substantially about, more or less, most, much, near, nearly, next to, nigh, practically, some, virtually, well-nighapproximately, broadly, plus or minus, roughlycommonly, frequently, normally, ordinarily, typically, usuallyincompletely, partially, partly, rather, somewhat in general, on the whole completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, thoroughly, totally, whollybarely, hardly, just, marginally, minimally, scarcelyabsolutely, categorically, unqualifiedly in the 13th century |