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measuresnounpl. of measure an action planned or taken to achieve a desired resultsuch new security measures as metal detectors at all the entrances expedients, means, moves, shifts, steps actions, acts, deeds, doings, feats, thingscourses, procedures, proceedings, processesaccomplishments, achievements, attainments, coups, exploits, successes, triumphsactivities, affairs, businesses, dealings, enterprises, eventsattempts, cracks, endeavors, essays, flings, goes, initiatives, operations, passes, shots, stabs, trials, tries, undertakings, whacksefforts, exertions, labors, pains, troubles, whiles, worksprojects, proposals, propositionsmakeshifts, resorts, resources, stopgapscountermeasures, countermoves(or counter-moves), countersteps(or counter-steps) a given or particular mass or aggregate of mattereach day prisoners were given only a small measure of rice to live on something set up as an example against which others of the same type are comparedduring the Renaissance, man came to be viewed as the measure of all things barometers, bars, benchmarks, criteria(also criterions), gold standards, grades, marks, metrics, pars, standards, touchstones, yardsticks cases, examples, instancesaverages, norms, rulesacmes, apexes(or apices), meridians, peaks, pinnacles, summits, zeniths aberrations, abnormalities, deviations the recurrent pattern formed by a series of sounds having a regular rise and fall in intensitythe song's soft, soothing measures make it a good lullaby beats, cadences, meters, rhythms accents, accentuations, emphases, stressesbackbeatsdrums, throbslilts, movements, sways, swingshexameters, pentameters, tetrameters, trimeters the total amount of measurable space or surface occupied by somethinga slipcover for the couch that was made to measure bulks, dimensions, extents, magnitudes, measurements, proportions, sizes areasamplitudes, immensities, masses, volumes measuresverbpresent tense third-person singular of measureto find out the size, extent, or amount offor this experiment, you need to carefully measure all the chemicals before you mix them together gauges(also gages), scales, spans weighscalibrates, calipersquantifies, quantitateslays off, marks (off)calculates, ciphers, computes, figures, reckons, works outappraises, assesses, conjectures, estimates, evaluates, guesses, guesstimates, judges, supposes, valuates, valuesadds up, sums, tallies, totalsascertains, determines, discovers, dopes (out), figures out, finds out to keep from exceeding a desirable degree or level (as of expression)he carefully measured his response to the provocative question bridles, checks, constrains, contains, controls, curbs, governs, holds, inhibits, keeps, pulls in, regulates, reins (in), restrains, rules, tames bottles (up), chokes (back), holds back, minces, muffles, pockets, represses, sinks, smothers, squelches, stifles, strangles, suppresses, swallowsarrests, interrupts, stopsblocks, hampers, handcuffs, hinders, impedes, obstructsgags, muzzles, silences loses liberates, loosens, looses, unleashesairs, expresses, takes out, vents |