例句 |
meatnoun animal and especially mammal tissue used as foodwe need to go shopping; there's only enough meat in the freezer for one more dinner substances intended to be eatenoffered his guests meat and drink bread, chow, chuck(chiefly West), comestibles, eatables, eats, edibles, fare, food, foodstuffs, grub, provender, provisions, table, tucker(chiefly Australian), viands, victuals, vittles commissary, rations, suppliesaliment, nutrimentdiet, nourishment, nurture, sustenancemess, papensilage, feed, fodder, forage, silage, slop, swillfeast, meal, refreshments, regale, repast, spreadboarddish, plate, platter, servingfinger food, natural food bane, poison, toxin, venom the central part or aspect of something under considerationhe dances all around it without ever addressing the meat of the issue bottom line, bull's-eye, centerpiece, core, crux, essence, gist, heart, kernel, keynote, meat and potatoes, net, nub, nubbin, nucleus, pith, pivot, point, root, sum course, direction, drift, tenorbody, content, substancehypothesis, proposition, purport, subject, theme, thesis sum and substance, the long and short(or the long and the short) before the 12th century |