例句 |
meat-and-potatoesadjective of or relating to the simplest facts or theories of a subjecta meat-and-potatoes knowledge of figure skating is all that a spectator really needs abecedarian, basal, basic, beginning, elemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, introductory, rudimental, rudimentary, underlying primal, primary, prime, simplecrude, primeval, primitive, primordial, rude, uncomplicatedpreliminary, preparatorycrucial, important, key advanced complex, sophisticatedcomplicated, convoluted, detailed, elaborate, extensive, intricatedeveloped, evolved, high, higher, refined meat and potatoespl. n.the central part or aspect of something under considerationan article that never gets into the meat and potatoes of a solution to the city's rising crime rate bottom line, bull's-eye, centerpiece, core, crux, essence, gist, heart, kernel, keynote, meat, net, nub, nubbin, nucleus, pith, pivot, point, root, sum course, direction, drift, tenorbody, content, substancehypothesis, proposition, purport, subject, theme, thesis sum and substance, the long and short(or the long and the short) in 1846 |