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volunteeradjective done, made, or given with one's own free willvolunteer work at the hospital freewill, self-imposed, uncoerced, unforced, volitional, voluntary, willing discretionary, elective, optionalimpulsive, instinctive, spontaneous, unpremeditatedconscious, deliberate, intentional, knowing, willful(or wilful) coerced, compelled, forced, involuntary, nonvoluntary, unwilled, will-less compulsory, enforced, mandatory, necessary, nonelective, obligatory, ordered, required volunteerverbto make a present oftrained tax consultants who volunteer their services at tax time bestow, contribute, donate, give, give away, present chip in, kick in, pitch in, throw inaward, confer, endow, endue(or indue), renderafford, comp, furnish, providelavish, regaleaid, assist, benefit, helpadminister, dish out, dispense, dole out, hand out, impart, issue, mete (out)extend, fork (over, out, or up), offer, pay, proffer, pungle (up), put up, tendersacrifice give of hold, keep, pocket, retain, withholdpreserve, saveadvance, lend, loansell ca. 1600 |