例句 |
mechanismnoun a mechanical part or group of parts used to perform a specific taskThe printer's paper feeding mechanism is jammed. device, implement, instrument, tool, utensilapparatus, appliance, machinecontraption, contrivance, gadget, gimmick, gizmo(also gismo), jigger, widgetaccessory(also accessary), adjunctdingus, doodad, doohickey, hickey, hootenanny(chiefly dialect), thingamabob, thingamajig(or thingumajig), thingummyingenuity, innovation, invention a series of actions used to achieve an endShe was stunned to learn that there was no mechanism in place to remedy the problem. course, operation, procedure, processdrill, routinefashion, form, manner, method, mode, system, technique, waydeterminant, expedient, factor, influence, ingredient, toolagency, agent, instrument, instrumentality, machinery, means, medium, ministry, organ, vehicle in 1662 |