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wagnoun1 a quick jerky movement from side to side or up and downthe dog gave its tail a single wag before it flopped back down swish, switch, waggle, whisk oscillation, rock, sway, swing, waverflap, flutter, wave, whipflick, jerk, jolt, snap, twitchjiggle, shake, wigglebob, nod wagnoun2a person (as a writer) noted for or specializing in humorsome wag wrote a droll satire on the scandal for the newspaper card, comedian, comic, droll, farceur, funnyman, gagger, gagman, gagster, humorist, jester, joker, jokester, wit comedienne, entertainerbanterer, cutup, kidder, knockabout, practical joker, prankster, quipper, quipster, teaser, wisecrackerbuffoon, clown, fool, harlequin, zanycaricaturist, lampooner, parodist, satirist wagverbto move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky motionsthe cat's tail wagged back and forth in annoyance swish, switch, waggle oscillate, rock, sway, swing, waverbeat, flail, flap, flop, lash, whipflick, flicker, flutter, wavejerk, joltjig, jiggle, joggle, shake, twitch, wigglebob, jog, nod to relate sometimes questionable or secret information of a personal naturetongues will wag as soon as word of the house's selling price gets around blab, dish, gossip, talk, tattle bandy (about), circulate, noise (about or abroad), rumorblabber, disclose, divulge, reveal, tellhint, imply, insinuate, intimate, let on, suggestinform, report, snitch, squeal, tip (off)babble, spillconfide spill the beans clam up, shut up to make short up-and-down movementsthe bird's head wagged jerkily as it looked for worms bob, bobble, jog, jounce, nod, pump, seesaw jerk, jiggle, shake, wiggle, wobble(also wabble)oscillate, rock, sway, swing, undulatedrop, duck in the 13th century |