例句 |
wagglenoun a quick jerky movement from side to side or up and downa quick waggle of her head to indicate "no" swish, switch, wag, whisk oscillation, rock, sway, swing, waverflap, flutter, wave, whipflick, jerk, jolt, snap, twitchjiggle, shake, wigglebob, nod waggleverbto move from side to side or up and down with quick jerky motionsthe rabbit waggled its ears and hopped away swish, switch, wag oscillate, rock, sway, swing, waverbeat, flail, flap, flop, lash, whipflick, flicker, flutter, wavejerk, joltjig, jiggle, joggle, shake, twitch, wigglebob, jog, nod in 1588 |