beats, bilks, bleeds, cheats, chisels, cons, cozens, defrauds, diddles, does, does in, euchres, fiddles, fleeces, flimflams, gaffs, gyps, hoses(slang), hustles, mulcts, nobbles(British slang), plucks, reams, rips off, rooks, screws, shakes down, shortchanges, shorts, skins, skunks, squeezes, sticks, stiffs, stings, suckers, swindles, thimblerigs, victimizes
extorts, wrenches, wrests, wringsclips, gouges, nicks, overcharges, soaksexploits, milksdeceives, dupes, fools, gulls, tricksropes (in)betrays, bitches, double-crossesbamboozles, fast-talks
sells a bill of goods to, takes for a ride, takes to the cleaners