例句 |
medianadjective being about midway between extremes of amount or sizethe median price of a home in the area average, intermediate, mean, medium, middle, middling, midsize(also midsized), moderate, modest reasonablecommon, commonplace, conventional, normal, popular, regular, routine, standard, typical, usualadequate, passable, tolerable excessive, extremeexceptional, rare, strange, uncommon, unusualdistinctive, idiosyncratic, special, uniqueindividual, peculiar, private occupying a position equally distant from the ends or extremesdetermine the median point between your two speakers, and test your stereo system from there central, halfway, intermediary, intermediate, medial, mediate, medium, mid, middle, midmost equidistantinmost, inner, innermost, nearestbetwixt and between, borderline, gray(also grey), in-between extreme, farthest, farthermost, furthermost, furthest, outermost, outmost, remotest, utmost outer, peripheral in the 15th century |