例句 |
chucklenoun an explosive sound that is a sign of amusementa quick chuckle at the funny comment belly laugh, boff(or boffo), boffola, cachinnation, cackle, chortle, giggle, guffaw, hee-haw, horselaugh, laugh, laughter, snicker, snigger, titter, twitter crow, whoopgrin, simper, smile, smirk cry, groan, moan, sob, wailface, frown, grimace, lower(also lour), mouth, pout, scowl chuckleverbto show mirth with an explosive vocal soundeveryone dutifully chuckled at the professor's intended jokes break up, cackle, chortle, crack up, giggle, hee-haw, laugh, roar, scream, snicker, titter, twitter grin, smile split one's sides bawl, blubber, cry, sob, weephowl, squall, wail, yowlbleat, pule, whimper, whinesniffle, snivelgroan, moan, sigh ca. 1770 |