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churlsnounpl. of churl an awkward or simple person especially from a small town or the countryas far as he was concerned, anyone from outside the city was a backwater churl bumpkins, chawbacons, clodhoppers, cornballs, countrymen, hayseed(or hayseeds), hicks, hillbillies, provincials, rubes, rustics, yokels boors, clods, clowns, gawks, louts, oafsgreenhorns, tenderfeet(also tenderfoots)peasants, peons(or peones)backwoodsmen, mountaineers cosmopolitans, cosmopolites, sophisticates slickers, smoothiesmetropolitans, suburbanites, urbanites a mean grasping person who is usually stingy with moneydon't bother asking for donations at that house—the churl who lives there believes that charity begins and ends at home cheapskates, hunks, misers, niggards, penny-pinchers, pikers, scrooges, skinflints, tightwads hoarders, pack rats, savers prodigals, profligates, spenders, spendthrifts, squanderers, wasters, wastrels a person whose behavior is offensive to othersa churl who gets thrown out of parties with remarkable regularity bastards, beasts, bleeders(British), blighters(chiefly British), boors, bounders, buggers, buzzards, cads, chuffs, clowns, creeps, cretins, cruds(slang), crumbs(slang), curs, dirtbags(slang), dogs, finks, heels, hounds, jerks, jokers, louses, louts, pills, rat finks, rats, reptiles, rotters, schmucks(slang), scumbags(slang), scums, scuzzballs(slang), skunks(also skunk), sleazebags(slang), sleazeballs(slang), sleazes, slimeballs(slang), slimes, slobs, snakes, so-and-sos(or so-and-so's), sods(chiefly British), stinkards, stinkers, swine, toads, varmints, vermin barbarians, brutes, cavemen, Neanderthals, savagesloudmouths, vulgarianslowlifes(also lowlives), miscreants, rascals, rogues, roughnecks, scabs, scamps, scoundrels, villains, wretchesboobies, doofuses(also dufuses, slang), fools, jackasses, nincompoops, ninnies, nits(chiefly British), nitwits, nuts, schmoes(slang)airheads, birdbrains, blockheads, dinks(slang), dolts, dopes, dorks(slang), goons, half-wits, idiots, imbeciles, morons, turkeysbrats, insolents, nuisances, pests, snipssnobs, snoots, snotsdweebs(slang), nerds sons of guns heroes, heroines, idols, role modelsgentlemen, ladiesangels, saints |