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ciphersnounpl. of cipher the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by itremember to put the cipher after the decimal point aughts, goose eggs, naughts(also nought), nils, ohs, o's(or os), zeros(also zeroes), zilches, zips blanks, voids a person of no importance or influenceit was either write the Great American Novel or be consigned to the status of a cipher in the annals of literature dwarfs(also dwarves), half-pints, insects, insignificancies, lightweights, morsels, nobodies, nonentities, nullities, numbers, pip-squeaks, pygmies(also pigmies), shrimp(or shrimps), snippersnappers, twerps, whippersnappers, zeros(also zeroes), zilches no-names, noncelebritiesleastsinferiors, mediocrities, obscuritiesfigureheads, puppetsnonpersons big shots, big wheels, bigwigs, eminences, figures, kahunas, kingpins, magnates, nabobs, personages, somebodies, VIPs chiefs, heads, leaders, leadscelebrities, luminaries, notables, personalities, planets, stars, superstarsauthorities, superiorsgreat powers, parties, powers ciphersverbpresent tense third-person singular of cipherto determine (a value) by doing the necessary mathematical operationswere surprised by how much we had spent on the cruise after we had ciphered out the grand total calculates, computes, figures, reckons, works out adds up, averages, sums, tallies, totalizes, totalsadds, divides, multiplies, subtractsallows (for), deducts, factors (in or into or out), figures infigures out, solves (for)counts, itemizes, numberscalibrates, gauges(also gages), measures, scalesappraises, assesses, estimates, evaluates, rates, valuesrecalculates, recomputes, refigures |