例句 |
simulationsnounpl. of simulation something that is made to look, feel, or behave like something else especially so that it can be studied or used to train people—often + ofa computer simulation of spaceflight simulations of body movements a simulation of the planet's surface miniatures, mock-upscarbon copies, carbons, clones, copies, dummies, dupes, duplicates, duplications, facsimiles, imitations, mocks, reduplications, replicas, replications, reproductionscounterfeits, fakes, forgeries, knockoffs, phonies(also phoneys), rip-offs, rubber stamps, shamsreconstructions, re-creationsimages, likenesses, semblances, shadowsimpressions, imprints, printsapproximations, reincarnations, versionsextras, reserves, spares archetypes, originals, prototypes |