例句 |
guysnounpl. of guy a member of the human racewhat would you guys like to order? babies, beings, birds, bodies, bods(British), characters, cookies, creatures, customers, devils, ducks, eggs, faces, fish(or fishes), heads, human beings, humans, individuals, lives, men, mortals, parties, people, personages, scouts, slobs, sorts, souls, specimens, stiffs, things, wights hominids, homos, humanoidsbrothers(also brethren), fellowmen, fellows, neighborscelebrities, personalities, selves, somebodies sons of man animals, beasties, beasts, brutes, critters an adult male human beingwas not the kind of guy she ever thought she'd date bastards, blokes(chiefly British), bucks, cats, chappies(British), chaps(chiefly British), dudes, fellas(also fellers), fellows, galoots(slang), gentlemen, gents, hombres, jacks, joes, jokers, lads, males, men masters, misters, sirsbuddies, busters |