例句 |
gypsnounpl. of gyp an instance of the use of dishonest methods to acquire something of valuewe were very disappointed when the "free weekend in Las Vegas" offer turned out to be a gyp buncos(or bunkos), cons, fiddles(chiefly British), flimflams, frauds, hustles, scams, shell games, stings, swindles crosses, fixesPonzi schemes, pyramid schemesrackets, rip-offsthimblerigs, three-card montesdevices, dodges, gimmicks, jigs, ploys, schemes, sleights, stratagems, tricks, wilescounterfeits, fakes, forgeries, hoaxes, humbug, phonies(also phoneys), shams gypsverbpresent tense third-person singular of gypto rob by the use of trickery or threatsgypped them into spending a fortune on counterfeit jewels, not real diamonds beats, bilks, bleeds, cheats, chisels, chouses, cons, cozens, defrauds, diddles, does, does in, euchres, fiddles, fleeces, flimflams, gaffs, hoses(slang), hustles, mulcts, nobbles(British slang), plucks, reams, rips off, rooks, screws, shakes down, shortchanges, shorts, skins, skunks, squeezes, sticks, stiffs, stings, suckers, swindles, thimblerigs, victimizes extorts, wrenches, wrests, wringsclips, gouges, nicks, overcharges, soaksexploits, milksdeceives, dupes, fools, gulls, tricksropes (in)betrays, bitches, double-crossesbamboozles, fast-talks sells a bill of goods to, takes for a ride, takes to the cleaners |