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meetingsnounpl. of meeting a coming together of a number of persons for a specified purposethere will be another committee meeting next week to discuss the parish fair assemblies, congresses, conventions, convocations, councils, gatherings, get-togethers, huddles, powwows clinics, workshopscabinets, caucuses, conclaves, synodsdemonstrations, ralliesconfabs, conversations, dialogues(also dialogs), discourses, discussions, palavers, talksnegotiations, parleys, summitsconferences, forums(also fora), round-robins, roundtables(or less commonly round tables), seminars, symposia(or symposiums)audiences, interviews, sessions a body of people come together in one placea meeting marked by no consensus of what needs to be done assemblages, assemblies, conferences, congregations, convocations, gatherings, ingatherings, musters companies, consorts, coteries, gangs, packscaucuses, forums(also fora), markets, panels, rallies, symposia(or symposiums), synodsaudiences, galleries, grandstands, housescrowds, flocks, hordes, legions, multitudes, presses, swarms, throngscrushes, mobs, rabblements, rabbles the coming together of two or more things to the same pointa meeting of two railroad lines confluences, conjunctions, convergences, convergencies combinations, connections, consolidations, couplings, joinings, junctions, junctures, unifications, unions divergences |