例句 |
hairnoun a very small distance or degreea race that was won by a hair ace, hairbreadth(or hairsbreadth), hairline, hop, skip, and jump, inch, neck, shouting distance, step, stone's throw bit, crumb, dab, iota, jot, minim, mite, particle, smidgen(also smidgeon or smidgin or smidge), trace, trifle country mile, long haul, mile infinity, light-year a thin, flexible structure that resembles a hairdiscovered hairs on the plant's stem bristle, fiber, filament, thread microfibercord, rope, string, wire, yarnfuzz, tuft the hairy covering of a mammal especially when fine, soft, and thickhas no hair, but wears a wig a coat made of camel's hair coat, fleece, fur, jacket, pelage, pile, wool undercoat, underfurhide, leather, pelt, skin before the 12th century |