

单词 hair shirts
例句 hair shirtsnounpl. of hair shirt

something that is a source of irritationthe constant need to cut costs was a hair shirt, but one that the theater company had to live with

aggravations, aggros(British), annoyances, botherations, bothers, bugbears, exasperations, frustrations, hassles, headaches, inconveniences, irks, irritants, nuisances, peeves, pests, rubs, ruffles, thorns, trials, vexations

discomforts, fleabites, pinpricksaffronts, insults, offenses(or offences)upsets, worriesafflictions, albatross(or albatrosses), burdens, crosses, curses, menaces, millstones, plagues, soresanxieties, plights, predicaments, tribulations, troubleshang-ups, pet peeves, problemsannoyers, disturbers, harassers, mischiefs, offenderspandora's boxes

delights, joys, pleasures





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