

单词 skims
例句 skimsverbpresent tense third-person singular of skim

to turn over pages in an idle or cursory mannerI'll just skim through a few styling magazines and see if something interesting catches my eye

flips, leafs, riffles, thumbs

browses, dipsglances (at), looks over, scans

pores (over)studies

to move or proceed smoothly and readilya lone hang glider skimming along just above the treetops

bowls, breezes, brushes, coasts, cruises, drifts, flows, glides, rolls, sails, slides, slips, streams, sweeps, whisks

flies, races, rushes, speeds

flounders, struggles

limps, lumbers, plods, stumbles, trudgesshambles, shufflesstamps, stomps, stumps, trampslabors, toils

to pass lightly across or touch gently especially in passingher hand just barely skimmed the wall as she ran down the hallway

brushes, grazes, kisses, nudges, shaves

bumps, contacts, scrapes, sideswipes, strikes, sweeps, swipes, touchesbounces, caroms, glances, rebounds, ricochets, skipscaresses, cuddles, fondles, loves, pats, pets, strokesmisses, skirts

bangs, bashes, bumps, clashes, collides, crashes, hits, impacts, impinges, knocks, punches, rams, slams, slaps, smacks, smashes, swipes, thuds, thwacks, whacks

to strike and fly off at an anglethe rock just skimmed the surface of the water

bounces, caroms, glances, rebounds, ricochets, skips

brushes, grazes, nudges, rakes, shaves, sweepsbumps, contacts, hits, kisses, touchessideswipesreflects

to take a quick or hasty lookhe impatiently skimmed through the book, looking for the specific passage he remembered seeing

browses, dips, glances, glimpses, glints, peeks

keeks(chiefly Scottish), peepsblinks, squintslooks over, peruses, rakes, scans

gazes, stares

examines, overlooks, oversees, questions, surveysstudies, viewspeers, priesgawks, goggles, rubbernecksleers, ogles





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