例句 |
oversightsnounpl. of oversight the act or activity of looking after and making decisions about somethingoversight of the club's fund-raising activities administrations, care, charges, conducts, controls, directions, governances, governments, guidance, handlings, intendances, managements, operations, presidencies, regulations, stewardships, superintendences, superintendencies, supervisions generalships, leaderships, rulershipsagenciesaegises(also egises), custodies, guardianships, laps, protections, trusts, tutelages, wardslogistics, machinations, manipulationscoadministrations, codirections(or co-directions) an unintentional departure from truth or accuracyclaiming "three billion" instead of "three million" was just an oversight blunders, bobbles, boo-boos, boobs(British), bricks, clangers(British), clinkers, errors, faults, flubs, fluffs, fumbles, gaffes, gaffs, goofs, inaccuracies, lapses, miscues, missteps, mistakes, screwups, slips, slipups, stumbles, trips bloomers, bloopers, boners, howlers, pratfallsfoul-ups, snafusmisapprehensions, miscalculations, miscomprehensions, misconceptions, misconstructions, miscues, misdescriptions, misimpressions, misinterpretations, misjudgments, misreadings, misstatements, misunderstandings accuracies, exactitudes, precisionsinerrancies, infallibilities, perfections the duty or function of watching or guarding for the sake of proper direction or controlyou'll have oversight of the troop until the scoutmaster returns care, charges, guidance, headships, regulations, stewardships, superintendences, superintendencies, supervisions, surveillances observances, observationsadministrations, controls, directions, generalships, hands, managementsleadershipsgovernments, reigns, rulesaegises(also egises), auspices, guardianships, protections, trusteeships, tutelages |