例句 |
over-the-hilladjective being of advanced years and especially past middle agethe overwhelming majority of that rock band's fans are over-the-hill baby boomers on a nostalgia trip aged, aging(or ageing), ancient, elderly, geriatric, long-lived, old, older, senescent, senior, unyoung centenarian, nonagenarian, octogenarian, septuagenarian, sexagenarianoldishadult, grown-up, mature, middle-agedpensioned, retired, superannuatedmatriarchal, patriarchal, venerableanile, decrepit, doddering, senile, spavined, totteryoverage(also overaged) long in the tooth, of a certain age young, youthful agelessyoungishadolescent, immature, juvenile, preteen, puerileminor, underagecallow, green, inexperienced, rawbabyish, childish, childlike, infantile, infantine, kiddish in 1946 |