例句 |
overtopsverbpresent tense third-person singular of overtop to be greater, better, or stronger thana manager whose arrogance was overtopped only by his ineptitude beats, betters, eclipses, exceeds, excels, outclasses, outdistances, outdoes, outguns, outmatches, outshines, outstrips, surpasses, tops, towers (over), transcends one-ups, outpaces, outraces, outruns, overpassesbests, clobbers, conquers, crushes, defeats, drubs, licks, masters, outcompetes, outperforms, overcomes, overmatches, prevails (over), routs, shames, skunks, subdues, surmounts, thrashes, trims, triumphs (over), trounces, wallops, whips, wins (against), worstsoutbalances, outweighs, overbears, overshadows, trumps goes one better, runs circles around(or runs rings around) loses (to) |