例句 |
circumstancesnounpl. of circumstance a state or end that seemingly has been decided beforehandthe condemned murderer seemed indifferent to his circumstance destinies, dooms, fates, fortunes, kismets, lots, portions accidents, casualties(archaic), chances, happenchances, happenstances, haps, hazards, luckpredestinationsaftereffects, aftermaths, conclusions, consequences, developments, effects, fruits, issues, outcomes, outgrowths, resultants, results, sequels, sequences, upshots something that happensdue to unexpected circumstances, the test will be postponed affairs, episodes, events, happenings, haps, incidents, occasions, occurrences, things coincidences, co-occurrences, flukes, freakslandmarks, mileposts, milestones, pages, phenomena(or phenomenons), turning pointsadventures, experiences, timeshappenchances, happenstancesaccidents, crises, emergencies, juncturesachievements, deeds, exploits, featsnews, tidings the uncertain course of eventsI was a victim of circumstance, for nothing that I could have done would have made a difference accidents, casualties(archaic), chances, haps, hazards, luck fortuities, haphazardries, uncertaintiesflukes, happenchances, happenstancesdestinies, dooms, fates, fortunes, lotsdangers, perils, risks intentions, intents, purposesdesigns, outlines, plans, schemes |