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circumstantialadjective including many small descriptive featuresthe circumstantial account of his surgery told us more than we really wanted to know about the stomach blow-by-blow, detailed, elaborate, full, minute, particular, particularized, thorough enumerated, inventoried, itemized, listed, numerateddelineated, specific, specifiedabundant, copiouscomprehensive, encyclopedic, exhausting, exhaustive, inclusionary, inclusive, in-depth, omnibus, panoramic, thoroughgoingaccurate, correct, exact, precisecomplete, entire, repletedistinct, explicit, sharpmapped (out)descriptive, graphic(also graphical), picturesque, vivid compendious, summary brief, compact, concise, crisp, pithy, short, succinct, terseabbreviated, abridged, curtailed, cut, pruned, shortened, trimmedambiguous, indeterminate, nebulous, nondescript, sketchy, vaguebird's-eye, broad, general, nonspecific, overall, unspecified circumstantial, minute, particular, detailed mean dealing with a matter fully and usually point by point.circumstantial implies fullness of detail that fixes something described in time and space.a circumstantial account of our visit minute implies close and searching attention to the smallest details.a minute examination of a fossil particular implies a precise attention to every detail.a particular description of the scene of the crime detailed stresses abundance or completeness of detail.a detailed analysis of the event in 1600 |