例句 |
civilizationnoun the way people live at a particular time and placea documentary on the advanced civilization created by the Mayas over a thousand years ago culture, life, lifestyle, society customs, manners, mores, valuesfolklore, heritage, legacy, traditionsubculture, subsociety a high level of taste and enlightenment as a result of extensive intellectual training and exposure to the artsby the 18th century Boston had reached a level of civilization sufficiently advanced to support a circle of portrait painters accomplishment, couth, cultivation, culture, polish, refinement education, erudition, intellectualism, intellectuality, knowledge, learning, literacy, scholarshipcosmopolitanism, sophistication, urbanitybreeding, genteelness, gentility, mannersclass, elegance, grace, tastecivility, courteousness, courtesy, politeness barbarianism, barbarism, philistinism ignorance, illiteracyparochialism, provincialism, rusticity, unsophisticationboorishness, churlishness, clownishness, coarseness, crudeness, vulgarity in 1760 |