例句 |
clarifyverb to remove usually visible impurities fromclarify the melted butter by skimming off the milky bits clear, distill(also distil), filter, fine, garble, purify process, rectify, refineclean, cleanse, decontaminate, elutriate, purge, washextract, leachbolt, screen, sieve, siftdisinfect, sanitize cloud, dull, muddycontaminate, dirty, soildefile, pollute, taintbegrime, besmirch, foul, sully to make plain or understandableit would help if you could clarify your position for us clear (up), construe, demonstrate, demystify, elucidate, explain, explicate, expound, get across, illuminate, illustrate, interpret, simplify, spell out, unriddle decipher, decodeanalyze, break downdisentangle, undo, unravel, unscramble, untangleresolve, solvedefine, specifyannotate, commentate, gloss obscure befog, cloudconfound, confuse, obfuscate in the 14th century |