例句 |
classesnounpl. of class one of the segments of society into which people are groupeda politician who appeals to people of every class castes, estates, folk(or folks), gentries, orders, strata brackets, echelons, grades, layers, levels, tiersplaces, positions, ranks, standings, statusesfood chains, groupings, hierarchies, stratificationsclans, families, fraternities, people, races, tribessubcastes(or sub-castes) one of the units into which a whole is divided on the basis of a common characteristica new class of wireless devices that could be used for Internet access as well as personal communication brackets, categories, classifications, divisions, families, genera(also genuses), grades, groups, kinds, leagues, orders, ranks, rubrics, sets, species, tiers, types descriptions, feathers, ilks, kidneys, likes, manners, natures, sortsbranches, sections, specialities, specialties, subclasses, subdivisions, subgroups, subspecieses, varietiesbreeds, racesgenerationsheadings, labels, titles a number of persons or things that are grouped together because they have something in commononly a particular class of burglar would do that breeds, descriptions, feathers, genres, ilks, kidneys, kinds, likes, manners, natures, orders, sorts, species, strains, stripes, types, varieties modelssamples, specimensbrackets, bunches, categories, divisions, families, grades, groupings, groups, lots, persuasions, ranks, sets, suites a series of lectures on a subjecttook a class on modern art degree of excellenceonly horses of great class are allowed to enter the Kentucky Derby calibers(or calibres), grades, qualities, rates hallmarksmarksfootings, places, positions, ranks, standings, statures, statusesbenchmarks, criteria(also criterions), measures, pars, standards, touchstones, yardsticks classesverbpresent tense third-person singular of classto arrange or assign according to typeI would class that suggestion as helpful, so let's make a note of it assorts, breaks down, categorizes, classifies, codifies, compartmentalizes, compartments, digests, distinguishes, distributes, grades, groups, pegs, places, ranges, ranks, relegates, separates, sorts, types arrays, disposes, draws up, marshals(also marshalls), orders, organizes, systematizesalphabetizes, catalogs(or catalogues), files, indexes, lists, referspigeonholes, shelvesidentifies, recognizesculls, screens, sets, sieves, sifts, winnowsclumps, clusters, colligatesrecategorizes, reclassifies, regroupssubcategorizes confuses, disarranges, jumbles, lumps, mixes (up), scramblesmisclassifies, missorts, mistypes |