例句 |
classinessnoun dignified or restrained beauty of form, appearance, or stylethe classiness of the hotel's facade is in stark contrast to the kitsch of the casinos that surround it class, courtliness, elegance, elegancy, fineness, grace, gracefulness, handsomeness, majesty, refinement, stateliness augustness, brilliance, gloriousness, glory, grandeur, grandness, lavishness, luxuriance, luxuriousness, luxury, magnificence, nobility, nobleness, opulence, ornateness, plushiness, plushness, resplendence, resplendency, richness, splendor, sumptuousnessartfulness, chic, polish, sophistication, taste, tastefulnesschoiceness, classicism, dignity, exquisiteness, restraint, simplicityaffectedness, grandiosity, ostentation, ostentatiousness, pretentiousness, showiness gracelessness, inelegance coarseness, crudeness, flamboyance, flashiness, garishness, gaudiness, glitz, grotesqueness, grotesquerie(also grotesquery), kitsch, tastelessness, tawdriness, vulgarity |