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classyadjective having or showing elegancea classy seaside resort that reeks of old money courtly, elegant, fine, graceful, handsome, majestic, refined, stately, tasteful august, baronial, gallant, glorious, grand, heroic(also heroical), imposing, lavish, luxurious, magnificent, monumental, noble, ornate, proud, regal, rich, royal, splendid, superbartful, genteel, polished, sophisticatedclassic, conservative, exquisite, quiet, restrained, simple, understatedaristocratic, patricianà la mode(also a la mode), chic, fashionable, in, modish, posh, sharp, sleek, smart, snappy, stylish, swagger, swank(or swanky)affected, grandiose, ostentatious, pretentious, recherché dowdy, graceless, inelegant, styleless, tasteless, unfashionable, unhandsome, unstylish cheesy, coarse, crude, flamboyant, flashy, garish, gaudy, glitzy, grotesque, loud, raffish, splashy, tacky, tawdry, ticky-tacky(also ticky-tack)rough-edged, rough-hewn, rude, trashy, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar in 1870 |