例句 |
warmthnoun the quality or state of being moderate in temperaturethe cozy warmth of the inn's parlor was a welcome relief from the wintry weather outside lukewarmness, tepidity, tepidness, warmness balminess, mildness, temperatenessglow, radiance, radiancyheat, hotness, stuffiness, sultriness, torridity, torridness chill, chilliness, coolness bitterness, bleakness, cold, coldness, frigidity, frigidness, frostiness, iciness, rawness, sharpnessfrost depth of feelingI was surprised by the warmth of the greeting ardency, ardor, emotion, enthusiasm, fervency, fervidness, fervor, fire, heat, intenseness, intensity, passion, passionateness, vehemence, violence, white heat cathexisemotionalism, emotionality, histrionics, mawkishness, melodrama, sappiness, sentimentalityeagerness, earnestness, excitement, gusto, keenness, zestfanaticism, fever, hot-bloodedness, infatuation, mania, obsession, zealcompassion, responsiveness, sentiment, sympathy, tendernesstorridity, torridness impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, insensibleness, insensitiveness, insensitivity aloofness, calmness, collectedness, composure, detachedness, dryness, phlegm, reserve, reservedness, reticence, taciturnityapathy, indifference, stoicism, stoniness, unconcernstiffness, woodennesschilliness, coldness, coolness, frigidity, frigidness in the 13th century |