例句 |
hallmarknoun a device, design, or figure used as an identifying markthe hallmark of the Primrose Pottery Works is the small rose emblem etched on each piece emblem, ensign, impresa, logo, symbol, totem, trademark attribute, icon(also ikon), pictographlogogram, logographbadge, coat of arms, cognizance, crest, insignia, monogramcolophon, stamp, token something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kindregards kindness and gentleness as the hallmarks of a real man affection, attribute, attribution, character, characteristic, criterion, diagnostic, differentia, feature, fingerprint, mark, marker, note, particularity, peculiarity, point, property, quality, specific, stamp, touch, trait badge, indication, signemblem, symbol, tokencharm, graceexcellence, merit, virtueeccentricity, idiosyncrasy, oddity, quirkindividuality, singularity, uniqueness in 1721 |