例句 |
halosnounor haloespl. of halo a special quality or impression associated with somethingthe halo of unimpeachable honesty in which the politician had long basked airs, ambiences(or ambiances), aromas, atmospheres, auras, climates, flavors, karmas, moods, nimbi(or nimbuses), notes, odors, patinas(or patinae), smells, tempers, vibrations aureoles(or aureolae), mystiques, romancesgenius locisfeelings, feels, sensations, senses, spiritsattributes, characteristics, characters, images, marks, notions, peculiarities, pictures, properties, traitscolors, illusions, overtones, semblances, suggestions, tones an artistic rendering of radiant light around the head or body of a sacred personagea naturalistic depiction of Saint Peter that shows him as a humble fisherman and without the traditional halo |