例句 |
memosnounpl. of memo a message on paper from one person or group to anothera long series of memos between the two authors collaborating on the book dispatches, epistles, letters, memorandums(or memoranda), missives, notes billets-doux, open lettersairmails, cards, electronic mails, e-mails, junk mails, mails, postal cards, postcardscommunications, reportsencyclicals a usually brief written reminderwrote a memo to herself about the upcoming meeting a written communication giving information or directionsthe visiting leader received a series of urgent memos from the country's ambassador prior to the summit directives, memorandums(or memoranda), notices announcements, bulletins, declarations, notifications, postings, proclamations, pronouncements, releasesdispatches, reportsedicts, pronunciamentos(or pronunciamentoes), rescriptscharges, commands, dictatesdirections, instructions, orders, wordsencyclicals, epistles, jottings, letters, mails, messages, missives, notes, posts(chiefly British) |