例句 |
skylarksverbpresent tense third-person singular of skylark to engage in attention-getting playful or boisterous behaviorcouldn't resist the temptation to skylark as commencement ceremonies came to a close acts up, clowns (around), cuts up, fools around, horses around, hotdogs, monkeys (around), showboats, shows off carries on, misbehavesroughhousescapers, cavorts, disports, frisks, frolics, gambols, larks, rollicks, rompscarouses, mafficks, revels, roars, wassails to engage in activity for amusementhe spends his time joking and skylarking, but his brother is serious and industrious dallies, disports, frolics, plays, recreates, rollicks, sports, toys cavorts, frisks, gambols, rompsdabbles, triflesamuses, diverts, entertainsdelights, pleasesdabbles, fiddles (around), messes around, putters (around)bums (around), dawdles, goldbricks, hangs, hangs about(British), idles, loafs, lounges (around or about), relaxes, rests, screws around, slacks (off)jests, jokes, teases drudges, labors, plods, plugs (away), slaves, strains, strives, struggles, sweats, toils, works |