例句 |
trainsnounpl. of train a body of employees or servants who accompany and wait on a persona movie star who never goes anywhere without a train of personal assistants to cater to his every whim and need corteges(also cortèges), entourages, followings, posses, retinues, suites, tails crews, personnels, staffs(or staves)courtsassistants, attendants, helpers, retainers a group of vehicles traveling together or under one managementa train of supply trucks making its way to the army encampment armadas, caravans, cavalcades, fleets, lines, motorcades argosies, convoys, flotillas, naviescolumns, corteges(also cortèges), parades, processions a series of persons or things arranged one behind anotheralready a long train of ticket buyers waiting outside the stadium columns, cues, files, lines, queues, ranges, strings echelons, ranks, rows, tierschains, progressions, sequences, successionsarrays a series of things linked togetheryou've broken my train of thought—now what were we talking about? catenae(or catenas), catenations, chains, concatenations, consecutions, nexuses(or nexus), progressions, sequences, strings chain reactionsbelts, circles, cycles, vicious circles(also vicious cycles)continua(also continuums), gamuts, gauntlets(also gantlets), scales, spectra(or spectrums)flows, rivers, streamsfiles, lines, queues, ranges, rows, successions trainsverbpresent tense third-person singular of trainto bring to a proper or desired state of fitnesshas been training track-and-field athletes at the school for years conditions, seasons fits, habilitates, prepares, readiesacclimates, acclimatizes, accommodates, adapts, adjusts, breaks in, orientates, orients, shapesaccustoms, familiarizes, habituates, naturalizesfortifies, hardens, inures, seasons, shapes up, steels, strengthens, toughens deconditions to cause to acquire knowledge or skill in some fieldwill train the students in good study habits educates, indoctrinates, instructs, lessons, schools, teaches, tutors coaches, mentorsdrills, fits, grounds, habilitates, prepares, primes, qualifiesdirects, guides, leads, rearscatechizes, lectures, moralizes, preachesimplants, inculcates, instills(also instils)homeschoolsedifies, enlightensbriefs, familiarizes, imparts (to), informs, versesinitiates, introduces, showsreeducates, reschools, reteaches, retrains to fix (as one's attention) steadily toward a central objectivetrain all your thoughts on imagining how you'd score the winning goal in the game centers, concentrates, fastens, focuses(or focusses), rivets aims, directs, homes (in on), hones in (on), levels, nails, points, sets, zeroes (in on)attends, heeds, mindsfixates (on), obsesses (over)refocuses to point or turn (something) toward a target or goaltrained his eyes on the distant bull's-eye aims, bends, casts, directs, heads, holds, levels, pinpoints, sets sightsbears, facesconcentrates, focuses(or focusses)inclines, orients, steers averts, curves, deflects, detours, diverts, rechannels, shunts, sidetracks to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or functionhe's so experienced that they usually use him to train new recruits equips, fits, prepares, qualifies, readies, seasons accustoms, adapts, adjusts, conditions, grooms, habituates, shapes, tailorsauthorizes, entitlesempowers, enableseducates, indoctrinates, instructs, schools, teaches, tutors |