例句 |
fabricationnoun a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceiveher claim that she had been a nurse during the war proved to be a total fabrication fable, fairy tale, falsehood, falsity, fib, lie, mendacity, prevarication, story, tale, taradiddle(or tarradiddle), untruth, whopper distortion, exaggeration, half-truthambiguity, equivocation, obliquitydefamation, libel, slanderperjurybluff, fiction, pose, pretense(or pretence)humbug, jive, nonsensecanard, fallacy, misconception, mythfalsification, misinformation, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatementdeceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, duplicity, fraudulence truth fact, truism, verityhonesty, truthfulness, veracityauthentication, confirmation, substantiation, validation, verification something that is the product of the imaginationthe notion that the Colossus of Rhodes could straddle the harbor was a fabrication of medieval writers fable, fantasy(also phantasy), fiction, figment, invention anecdote, narrative, novel, story, tale, yarnfairy tale, falsehood, falsity, fib, lie, mendacity, misrepresentation, prevarication, untruth, whoppermake-believe fact, materiality, reality actuality, realness in the 15th century |