例句 |
facadesnounalso façadespl. of facade a forward part or surfaceall of the stores in the mall have facades that are in keeping with the style of a 19th-century American village faces, foreheads, foreparts, fronts outsides, skins, surfaces, veneers backs, rears, rearwards, reverses innards, insides, interiors a display of emotion or behavior that is insincere or intended to deceivehis interest in acting is just a facade—he joined the drama club to meet girls acts, airs, charades, disguises, fronts, guises, masquerades, poses, pretenses(or pretences), put-ons, semblances, shows impersonations, performances, portrayalsimages, personae(or personas)appearances, colors, glossescamouflages, cloaksaffectations, deceits, deceptions, dissimulations, double-dealings, duplicities, fakeries, frauds, guilesbetrayals, double crosses, falsities, infidelities, perfidies, treacheries, treasonsexcuses, pretexts candors, sinceritiesnaïvetés(also naivetes or naivetés) a deceptively attractive external appearancethe company's facade of success collapsed when it was revealed that its financial officers had been cooking the books for years glosses, veneers, window dressings cotton candies, fluffs, tinselsfig leafs(or fig leaves)charades, fronts, guises, masquerades, poses, semblances, shows |