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slightadjective lacking bodily strengtha small lad with a slight build asthenic, debilitated, delicate, down-and-out, effete, enervated, enfeebled, faint, feeble, frail, infirm, languid, low, prostrate, prostrated, sapped, soft, softened, tender, unsubstantial, wasted, weak, weakened, wimpish, wimpy challenged, disabled, incapacitated, invalidparalyzedbroken-down, decrepitimpotent, powerlessbreakable, flimsy, fragiledizzy, groggy, rocky, unsteady, woozydrained, exhausted, flagging, tired, weary, worn-outdamaged, harmed, hurt, impaired, injured, lame, unsoundresistless, susceptible, unresistant, vulnerable, yielding mighty, powerful, rugged, stalwart, stout, strong able-bodied, athletic, beefy, brawny, fit, husky, muscular, sinewy, strapping, virilehard, hardy, lusty, red-blooded, robust, sturdy, toughfortified, hardened, inured, strengthened, toughenedenergetic, energized, invigorated, vigorous, vitalizedhale, healthy, soundcapable, competentconvalescing, recovering, recuperating lacking importancea slight comedy that did nothing to further her career fiddling, foolish, frivolous, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, little, Mickey Mouse, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory, small, small-fry, trifling, trivial, unimportant jerkwater, one-horsenickel-and-dime, paltry, petty, small-time, worthlessanonymous, nameless, obscure, uncelebrated, unknown neither here nor there big, consequential, eventful, important, major, material, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, unfrivolous, weighty decisive, fatal, fatefulchief, dominant, overbearing, overmastering, overriding, principaldistinctive, exceptional, impressive, outstanding, prominent, remarkablevaluable, worthwhile, worthydistinguished, eminent, great, illustrious, preeminent, prestigiousfamous, notorious, renownedall-important, basic, essential, fundamental, key of a size that is less than averagethe slight youth packed a surprisingly solid punch bantam, diminutive, dinky, dwarfish, fine, half-pint, Lilliputian, little, pint-size(or pint-sized), pocket, pocket-size(also pocket-sized), puny, pygmy, shrimpy, small, smallish, subnormal, toylike, undersized(also undersize) dwarf, toyruntish, runty, scrubby, stuntedbitty, inappreciable, infinitesimal, little bitty, micro, microscopic(also microscopical), mini, miniature, miniaturized, minikin, minim, minuscule, minute, pinpoint, teensy, teensy-weensy, teeny, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee, weeny(also weensy)meager(or meagre), niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimp, skimpy, slender, slim, spare, sparse, stingydeficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, wantingbite-size(also bite-sized), capsule big, biggish, considerable, goodly, grand, great, handsome, husky, king-size(or king-sized), large, largish, outsize(also outsized), overscale(or overscaled), oversize(or oversized), sizable(or sizeable), substantial, tidy, whacking, whopping bulky, hefty, hulking, massive, voluminousboxcar, Brobdingnagian, Bunyanesque, cavernous, colossal, cyclopean, elephantine, enormous, galactic, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, gross, Himalayan, herculean, heroic(also heroical), huge, humongous(also humungous), immense, jumbo, leviathan, mammoth, monolithic, monstrous, monumental, mountainous, pharaonic, prodigious, staggering, stupendous, titanic, tremendous, vastabundant, ample, appreciable, bountiful, copious, generous, healthy, liberal, plenteous, plentifulfat, thickbroad, wideboundless, cosmic(also cosmical), immeasurable, incalculable, infiniteadequate, enough, sufficient so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attentionapart from a slight fishy taste, the dish was fine chicken, de minimis, footling, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, measly, Mickey Mouse, minute, negligible, niggling, no-account, nominal, paltry, peanut, petty, picayune, piddling, piddly, piffling, pimping, trifling, trivial inferior, meanimperceptible, inappreciablelittle, puny, tinyhairsplitting, nitpicking, pettifogging, quibblingone-horse, small-fry, two-bit big, consequential, considerable, important, material, significant serious, substantial, weightyeventful, momentous, pivotalconspicuous, noteworthy, outstanding, prominent, remarkable, strikingappreciable, discernible(also discernable), measurable small in degreeonly a slight chance of success fragile, frail, negligible, off, outside, remote, slim, small marginal, minimal, minorlittle, tiny good great, largedistinct, significantconsiderable, goodly, healthy, largish, respectable, significant, sizable(or sizeable), substantial, tidy slightnounan act or expression showing scorn and usually intended to hurt another's feelingsrefused to respond to their petty slights affront, barb, brickbat, cut, dart, dig, dis(also diss, slang), epithet, gird, indignity, insult, name, offense(or offence), outrage, personality, poke, put-down, sarcasm, slap, slur catcall, gibe(or jibe), jeer, mock, quip, sneer, tauntabuse, invective, vituperationdisapproval, opprobriumdisgrace, dishonor, shameattack, criticism, knock, slam, swipetorment, torture accolade, commendation, complimentacclaim, applause, praiseadulation, flattery slightverbto cause hurt feelings or deep resentment inthe dancers felt slighted by the harsh comments of the judges affront, dis(also diss, slang), disrespect, insult, offend, outrage, slap, wound cut, snubdisplease, distress, disturb, hurt, miff, pain, trouble, upsetjeer, mock, ridicule, sneer (at), tauntdefame, disparage, libel, malign, revile, slander, slur, smearoppress, persecute, torment, torture acclaim, applaud, approve, hailcommend, compliment, eulogize, praiseadulate, flatter, sweet-talkexalt, glorify, honordelight, gratify, please, satisfy to deliberately ignore or treat rudelyas a temp worker, she often feels slighted by the people she has to work with cold-shoulder, cut, high-hat, snub, stiff, stiff-arm isolate, ostracizebrush (aside or off), disdain, rebuff, reject, repel, repulse, scorn, spurndisregard, forget, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, shrug off to show contempt formusic critics who slight any style of music that doesn't fit their personal taste contemn, dis(also diss, slang), disdain, disrespect, high-hat, look down (on or upon), scorn, sniff (at), snoot, snub scoutabhor, abominate, despise, detest, execrate, hate, loathebelittle, deplore, deprecate, disparagedisapprove (of), discountenance, disfavor, frown (on or upon) look down one's nose (at), sneeze at, thumb one's nose (at), walk over honor, respect cherish, prize, treasure, valueadmire, esteem, lionizehallow, revere, venerate, worshipaccept, appreciate, approve (of), care (for), countenance, favor, OK(or okay), subscribe (to) to fail to give proper attention toslighted several major authors in her survey of 20th-century fiction bypass, disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, slur (over) failmiss, omitbrush (aside or off), reject, shrug off, slough (off)also sluff (off)disdain, pooh-pooh(also pooh), scornscant, skimp attend (to), heed, mind, regard, tend (to) appreciate, cherish, prize, treasure, valuecultivate, foster, nurse, nurturepamperrememberlisten (to), watchfollow, mark, note, notice, observe, remark adj.thin, slender, slim, slight, tenuous mean not thick, broad, abundant, or dense.thin implies comparatively little extension between surfaces or in diameter, or it may imply lack of substance, richness, or abundance.thin wire a thin soup slender implies leanness or spareness often with grace and good proportion.the slender legs of a Sheraton chair slim applies to slenderness that suggests fragility or scantiness.a slim volume of poetry a slim chance slight implies smallness as well as thinness.a slight build tenuous implies extreme thinness, sheerness, or lack of substance and firmness.a tenuous thread v.neglect, disregard, ignore, overlook, slight, forget mean to pass over without giving due attention.neglect implies giving insufficient attention to something that merits one's attention.habitually neglected his studies disregard suggests voluntary inattention.disregarded the wishes of his family ignore implies a failure to regard something obvious.ignored the snide remark overlook suggests disregarding or ignoring through haste or lack of care.in my rush I overlooked a key example slight implies contemptuous or disdainful disregarding or omitting.slighted several major authors in her survey forget may suggest either a willful ignoring or a failure to impress something on one's mind.forget what others say in the 14th century |