例句 |
slingsverb1present tense third-person singular of sling to place on an elevated point without support from belowsling a hammock between the trees dangles, hangs, suspends, swings hooks, mounts, pins, tacksdrapes, festoons, garlands, stringsextends (out), juts, projects, sticks outoverhangs, protrudescascades, depends, fallsbalances, poises slingsverb2present tense third-person singular of slingto send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the armslinging stones at the fence post casts, catapults, chucks, dashes, fires, flings, heaves, hurls, hurtles, launches, lobs, lofts, pegs, pelts, pitches, throws, tosses bowls, darts, flips, guns, hooks, passes, rolls, shootsbucks, ejects, impels, precipitates, projects, propels, rifles, thrusts lets fly |