例句 |
clericnoun a person specially trained and authorized to conduct religious services in a Christian churchclerics were sharply divided on the issue of whether the war was morally justified clergyperson, clerical, clerk, deacon, divine, dominie, ecclesiastic, minister, preacher, priest, reverend churchman, clergyman, father, Holy Joe(slang), padreclergywoman, deaconess, priestessabbot, archbishop, archpriest, bishop, dean, diocesan, monsignor, pope, prelate, presbyterabbé, curate, curé, parson, pastor, rector, shepherd, vicarchaplain, confessor, sky pilotevangelist, missionary, missioner, missionizer, revivalistfriar, mendicant, monastic, monk, oblate, religioushigh priest, high priestess layman, layperson, secular lay reader, lector in 1621 |