例句 |
clericaladjective of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergyclerical duties such as providing spiritual counseling and leading Bible study classes clerkly, ministerial, pastoral, priestly, sacerdotal evangelical(also evangelic), missionaryapostolic, canonical, diaconal, diocesan, episcopal, papal, patriarchal, pontificalchurchly, ecclesiastic, ecclesiasticaldivine, holy, religious, sacramentalconventual, mendicant, monachal, monasticcaliphal, rabbinic(or rabbinical) lay, nonclerical, secular, temporal clericalnouna person specially trained and authorized to conduct religious services in a Christian churchsome of the state's most prominent clericals have spoken out against the measure clergyperson, cleric, clerk, deacon, divine, dominie, ecclesiastic, minister, preacher, priest, reverend churchman, clergyman, father, Holy Joe(slang), padreclergywoman, deaconess, priestessabbot, archbishop, archpriest, bishop, dean, diocesan, monsignor, pope, prelate, presbyterabbé, curate, curé, parson, pastor, rector, shepherd, vicarchaplain, confessor, sky pilotevangelist, missionary, missioner, missionizer, revivalistfriar, mendicant, monastic, monk, oblate, religioushigh priest, high priestess layman, layperson, secular lay reader, lector in 1592 |