例句 |
clickedverbpast tense of click to form a close personal relationshipwe just clicked from the moment we met bonded, communed, related befriendedempathized, identified, sympathized hit it off to turn out as planned or desiredsometimes an idea simply clicks came off, delivered, panned out, succeeded, went, went over, worked out caught onflourished, prospered, thrived(or throve)cooked, percolated bore fruit, caught fire, delivered the goods, did the trick, went like clockwork bombed, collapsed, failed, flopped, flunked, folded, foundered, missed, struck out, washed out languishedfloundered, struggleddeclined, sank(or sunk), skidded, slipped, slumped, wanedcrashed, cratered, crumbled, flamed outchoked, cracked up, miscarried, misfiredfell down, went underimploded, self-destructed |