例句 |
clickingverbpresent participle of click to form a close personal relationshipwe just clicked from the moment we met bonding, communing, relating befriendingempathizing, identifying, sympathizing hitting it off to turn out as planned or desiredsometimes an idea simply clicks coming off, delivering, going, going over, panning out, succeeding, working out catching onflourishing, prospering, thrivingcooking, percolating bearing fruit, catching fire, delivering the goods, doing the trick, going like clockwork bombing, collapsing, failing, flopping, flunking, folding, foundering, missing, striking out, washing out languishingfloundering, strugglingdeclining, sinking, skidding, slipping, slumping, waningcrashing, cratering, crumbling, flaming outchoking, cracking up, miscarrying, misfiringfalling down, going underimploding, self-destructing |