例句 |
clicksverbpresent tense third-person singular of click to form a close personal relationshipwe just clicked from the moment we met bonds, communes, relates befriendsempathizes, identifies, sympathizes hits it off to turn out as planned or desiredsometimes an idea simply clicks comes off, delivers, goes, goes over, pans out, succeeds, works out catches onflourishes, prospers, thrivescooks, percolates bears fruit, catches fire, delivers the goods, does the trick, goes like clockwork bombs, collapses, fails, flops, flunks, folds, founders, misses, strikes out, washes out languishesflounders, strugglesdeclines, sinks, skids, slips, slumps, wanescrashes, craters, crumbles, flames outchokes, cracks up, miscarries, misfiresfalls down, goes underimplodes, self-destructs |