

单词 clinkers
例句 clinkersnounpl. of clinker

an unintentional departure from truth or accuracya documentary that had such clinkers as a reference to Iran as an Arab nation

blunders, bobbles, boo-boos, boobs(British), bricks, clangers(British), errors, faults, flubs, fluffs, fumbles, gaffes, gaffs, goofs, inaccuracies, lapses, miscues, missteps, mistakes, oversights, screwups, slips, slipups, stumbles, trips

bloomers, bloopers, boners, howlers, pratfallsfoul-ups, snafusmisapprehensions, miscalculations, miscomprehensions, misconceptions, misconstructions, miscues, misdescriptions, misimpressions, misinterpretations, misjudgments, misreadings, misstatements, misunderstandings

accuracies, exactitudes, precisionsinerrancies, infallibilities, perfections

something that has failedall of the toy company's new offerings for the Christmas season proved to be clinkers

bombs, bummers, busts, catastrophes, clunkers, debacles(also débâcles), disasters, duds, failures, fiascoes, fizzles, flops, frosts, lemons, losers, misses, shipwrecks, turkeys, washouts

also-rans, disappointments, dogs, has-beens, near missesbotches, hashes, messes, muddles, shamblesnoneventsnonstarters

blockbusters, hits, smashes, successes, winners

corkers, crackerjacks(also crackajacks), dandies, jim-dandies, phenomena(or phenomenons)





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